Friday, July 11, 2014

The Sad "Knowing"

Every day I talk to people, women mostly, who usually begin their story with, "I know this will sound crazy" or "This is going to require some explanation".  When I reassure them that I do get it and they don't have to explain, they are sometimes befuddled.

You see, someone who has experienced abuse finds an instant, albeit sad, kinship when connecting with another who gets it.  On one hand, we wouldn't wish that kind of pain on anyone else.  On the other hand, there is relief in seeing that it wasn't just you.  You weren't the cause, nor are you alone.

Sometimes, in the throes of trying to survive an abusive relationship, it feels like being adrift on an iceberg.  Cold, lost, utterly alone.  Then you find another and, even though there is sadness, there is reassurance and validation.  There is a chance to survive, together.

It wasn't you.

You aren't alone.

You will survive...and thrive.

You don't have to convince me,

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